Thursday, August 27, 2009

I emerge!

Well...can we just say the summer kind of exploded on me? WOW.

I have been busy as hell, and for a while, I didn't even know which way to turn. There are have been a lot of things going on. I spent part of my summer under kind of a dark cloud, and dealing with a slight health issue. That sapped a lot of my energy and attention for a while, but I think we're getting it under control and life is looking a great deal sunnier lately.

More recently, my time's been taken up with quite a few fun things, including a trip to WriterCon, where I got to sit a table in the dealer's room to promote my book, and this past weekend I took four friends with me to the cabin I've spoken so often of, and we had a wonderful time. There was much fangirling and sitting in the lake on lawn chairs. Coming up any day now is the newest addition to our family, and I'm prepared to dart out of town the minute I hear my sister's gone into labor.

This week, I am finally getting my feet under me again, and I've been catching up with the blogosphere and other on-line haunts. I've also picked up the pace on work on the second Dino Martini novel, as that's long overdue.

I'm part of the TwoLips Reviews Anniversary Scavenger Hunt which wraps up at the start of next week, so there's still time to get in on that if you like.

Also this week is Lyrical Press's huge End of Summer Event, which I'm also taking part in. Tomorrow, Thursday, my author profile will be posted on the LPI Blog, and all commenters have a chance to win a copy of Like Coffee and Doughnuts. I'll also be there for the Live Blogcast held at LPI Blog on Saturday.

Here's the official announcement:

LPI celebrates a great summer of reading with the End of Summer Blog Event. Monday through Friday, August 24 – 28, we’ll feature author and editor profiles on the LPI Blog. Many author profiles will include giveaways, so please come visit for your chance to get to know Lyrical Press and win prizes.

We’ll round out the week with two live blogcasts:

Saturday, August 29, 6 – 9PM Central Time: Author Chat

Many, many LPI authors will be joining in the fray while Editor in Chief Emma Wayne Porter announces giveaway winners and hands out even more free goodies. Readers are invited to ask questions, hang out, and get to know the people behind all those stories.

Sunday, August 30, 6 – 9PM Central Time: Editor Chat

During this live blogcast, the LPI editorial staff gets its day in the hotseat. Readers are invited to give their opinions on what kind of stories they want to read. Authors are invited to ask questions about submission guidelines, and maybe even pitch an idea or two. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to speak directly to publishing staff, and be heard!