Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Waxing Jack is out!!

Toybox: Candles is out from Torquere Press!!


In it, you can find the first of my Hardwood Mansion stories, "Waxing Jack". This is a fun, humorous, and smoking hot story in which Jack Jones finds himself tricked into a sexy job interview that involves candle play with the very handsome and very rich owner of Hardwood Mansion. Will Jack pass the test and get the job?

Get your copy here:

Toybox: Candles - Waxing Jack

Happy reading!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Freebies!!

One of my publishers, Lyrical Press, is offering a whole slew of Christmas goodies from the ranks of their talented authors, and I'm letting you all know so you can get in on it!

Here's the official blurb and the how-to info:

Lyrical Press Holiday Story Giveaway

The talented authors and staff of Lyrical Press have come together with an absolutely amazing collection of short stories for your enjoyment. From some pretty creative twists on “A Christmas Carol” to some steamy Yuletide lovin’ (and some with a little of both!) you’re guaranteed to enjoy the assortment we’ve got for you.

Starting Sunday, December 14th, you will have a chance to receive these free stories. Each story’s author will spend a day highlighted on the Lyrical Press blog at:

We’ll have a posting from the author, a brief description (and “heat” rating) of each story, and once the posting is up, simply follow the instructions on each post to get the story emailed to you (.pdf format only, sorry!) by Lesli the Promo Elf. Make sure to respond before time runs out to get the story or you’ll end up with coal in your inbox!

Now, because this is the holiday season and we don’t want to ruin the surprise, we aren’t going to “unwrap” our stories too soon. To stay up-to-date and to make sure you don’t miss a chance for a freebie from some of your favorite LPI authors, make sure you also join our Lyrical Press email list at:

The schedule will be revealed there, as will a special holiday surprise at the end of the giveaway for our readers.

Happy Holidays!!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Coming soon!

I am happy to report that Lyrical Press has offered me a contract for my first full length novel, and I have accepted!

I signed it and sent it back Friday morning. I couldn't be more pleased.

So, watch this space for details coming soon.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I have signed and sent back the contract for my short story that will be appearing in Torquere Press's Toybox series this December, which is massively exciting.

Because I will soon have things to market, I'm expanding my web presence. I have a new MySpace page, for those who like to follow authors that way:

Please feel free to add me to your friends list there. Thanks!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Novel Submission!

I have finally completed the numerous rounds of edits on my novel, and last night...I sent it off to my first choice publisher!

I'm extremely excited about this, and will be waiting patiently (yeah, right) to hear back from them. I have confidence in Dino and Seth.

In the meantime, I'm cleaning up and clearing the decks for the next project. I have several to choose from, including a sequel to the one I've just finished.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I am currently at work on my first M/M romance novel, and have high hopes for this project.