Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oh Music, My Fickle Muse...

She led me astray this weekend.

I rely heavily on music to motivate and inspire me when I write. In fact, I create a specific playlist for each project I'm working on, and always listen to it when writing. The songs become entwined with the story in my head, and hearing them gets me into the story faster and deeper than I would on my own. Once there, the music affects my mood and fuels my creativity.

This weekend, however...that process let me down. Or, well, iTunes did.

See, I had a few blissful hours all alone in my house Saturday morning, and I was all geared up to sit down and write. I actually got off to a great start. I had a few little ideas I wanted to get down right away, and I managed about 250 words on my current novel before I realized something was missing. I hadn't turned on the music yet.

I clicked iTunes to fire it up, but instead of giving me my playlists, I got a small grey box asking if I wanted to start the installation. I shrugged and clicked "Yes", but was perplexed because I KNOW it was already installed. When that led to error messages, I assumed Something Was Bad in the World of Computers, and decided the best thing would be to just download and reinstall.

* So I pulled up my browser to download iTunes

* But while I had that open, I should check my email, right?

* and LiveJournal?

* All right, THEN I went to the Apple page and downloaded iTunes

* Since that would take a few minutes, I went to get a can of pop

* While I was in the kitchen, I grabbed a few things to throw in the recycling

* and the dishwasher needed loading

* Back in the office, I had to shut everything down and start the install

* Which would also take a while

* So I went to run a load of laundry....

You can see where this is all going. By the time I got my music up and running, and was getting back into the flow of writing, my husband called to see what I wanted for lunch, since he was on his way home.

Two lessons learned here: Keep the iPod charged so next time I can just use that. And don't become so dependent on any one writing tool that you can't work without it. Personally, I think if I had time to kill somewhere and was handed a notebook and pen, I could produce something...But on Saturday, I let my writing routine become more important than the writing itself, and sucked up all my quiet time with little to show for it.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Finds!

I have quite a lot of nifty stuff for you this week!

13 Tips For Actually Getting Some Writing Done from Gretchen Rubin

On Writing Tension by Craig Lancaster

The Writer's Almanac
with Garrison Keillor

Fifty Things Under $50 Bucks To Promote Your Book from Penny C. Sansevieri

Via Alexis Grant - Soc Media 101 on How to Format Your Posts So People Will Read Them

The iTouch happens to be my ereader of choice, so I found this article especially good: Avid Reader on The iPhone as Ereading Device

How Long Is Too Long To Market A Book?
also by Penny Sansevieri

And finally, in a sillier vein: 15 Caterpillars That Should Just Get a Freakin’ Haircut by Karl Fabricius (The Woolly Bears are my favorite!)

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Things you didn't know about me...

I saw this at Cassie Exline's blog and just had to try it:

Elle Parker --


An aphrodisiac made of cucumbers

'How will you be defined in the Sexual Dictionary?' at QuizUniverse.com

Who knew?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Feels Like Home to Me

I spent a glorious and relaxing weekend at the family cabin and am much refreshed by it. This is one of the few places left in my world that I've been going to all my life. The cabin we stay in now isn't the one I grew up in, but even better - I helped build it. The old cottage is still on the property, too, refurbished into a writer's retreat and place to go for a little quiet time.

On Saturday, while the rest of family celebrated the opening of bass season, I took advantage of the peace to do a little writing. At least, I tried. My writing space was invaded by a HUGE and pale spider who was much too close for comfort. I had to retreat and wait for my son to come back from his run to rescue my computer for me.

Once that was taken care of, I settled back in and polished up the short story I've been working on. It's now been sent off for submission and I'll be waiting with fingers crossed.

That evening, we had fresh caught bass for dinner, along with new potatoes and green beans, with blackberry pie for dessert. So good!

Sunday was a nice lazy day. My step-mom put a ham in the oven after breakfast and the whole place smelled wonderful and homey. Perfect for sipping wine and snoozing in a chair while watching a favorite old movie.

I was sad to go, but am looking forward to the next visit.

Tomorrow, I'll be host for the day at Beth Wylde's Yahoo Group as part of her Pride Month celebration. Feel free to stop by and chat with me, and read a few excerpts.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm up for Book of the Week!

Yesterday, I was informed that not only was my book, Like Coffee and Doughnuts, reviewed at Whipped Cream Reviews...but it's also up for their Book of the Week contest.

You can check out the contest here at Whipped Cream Reviews Main Page

If you missed the review, you can read it here Whipped Cream Review of Like Coffee and Doughnuts

Me? I'm off to finish up and submit that short story.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Friday Finds!

I spent most of my free time this week finishing up and editing that short story, which paid off well. I have a little tweaking to do, and then I'll be ready to submit - well before the deadline, which is a nice feeling.

As a consequence, I didn't have much time for internet surfing, but I did find a couple good things:

Great article from Mundania Press on Promotion and Branding

Hidden benefits of blogging
from Duct Tape Marketing

I've also been test driving HootSuite for Twitter - recommended by Dani of Blog Book Tours

So far, I think it's the best of the applications I've tried for keeping up with Twitter. If it had groups, I'd be in love.

I prefer a web based app, because I can use that from anywhere and it's less hassle when working on my own computer. On the other hand, I REALLY like several of the bells and whistles that Tweetdeck and Twitterfon have - namely the ability to easily click and RT, and Tweetdeck's built in url squisher. The biggest problem I have with Tweetdeck is that setting up the groups is a big hassle, and I can't tell if I have all my followers into one group or another, there's no leftovers list. ALSO - Tweetdeck is still listing people I stopped following ages ago, so it's sloppy.

HootSuite has the one click RT, url squisher, web base, and some other nice features, including the ability to manage more than one Twitter account from the same place.

(If anyone knows an app besides Tweetdeck that does groups? I would LOVE to hear about it)

Also, in great news, I got a fabulous review from Whipped Cream Reviews


Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Today is a very exciting day for me. I'm being interviewed at Reviews by Jessewave today! Her blog is top notch and I've spent a lot of hours reading there, so it's quite an honor to be featured now.

Interview at Reviews by Jessewave

Please stop by and say hi!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

But Spam can be FUN!

Alas....that new email smell has worn off my Elle Parker email account. The spammers finally found me.

For the longest time, I didn't have to worry about spam on my account because it was too new to be on anyone's list. I kept an eagle eye on that Spam folder to make sure nothing important fell in there. Mostly it was digests of my Yahoo groups, but quite often email from someone new would land there because my email didn't recognize it.

That's how I found out I'd sold my book - I found it in my Spam folder.

That was during the time when every morning I'd eagerly race to the computer to check my email and see if I'd heard back. I had not, or so I thought, and was letting go of the daily excitement and gearing up for the day when I clicked on the Spam folder to clear it out...and lo and behold, there was a message that said "Your Novel LIKE COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS". I think I shrieked or made some kind of unusual noise, because my husband came rushing in to see what was going on.

Since then, I've always felt a little thrill when checking the Spam because I've found other good things there too, notes from my editor, a review notice, etc.

The past few weeks? I will be paid handsomely for my assistance in collecting a large inheritance and must contact Uganda immediately....

Anyone need some Viagra? I have a good source.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Finds!

Hey there! I hope you all have had a dandy week. I've had a CRAZY week! There's not been one single night that we haven't had somewhere to be, and that's going to continue right on through the weekend. Add to that, I'm trying to prepare a short story submission, do an interview, do a review AND work on my novel. *whew*

Just a couple of fun things for you today:

Why Writers Should Use Twitter by Alexis Grant

English getting its millionth word

I haven't yet had a chance to try out those gadgets I mentioned. Can anyone tell me about their experience with Windows Live Writer? I'm thinking of trying it out for blogging.

Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Inexpensive Web Design Services

One of the things new authors are always told, especially those of us in ebooks, is Get Yourself A Website. It's usually number one or two on the list.

Now, there's a lot of ways to go about creating a website:

You can do it yourself, using a free site and some web templates. I've seen some rather decent websites designed that way, but I've seen some dreadful ones too. I tried to go that route at first myself, because I have other sites I built on my own and they look pretty good. Not good enough, unfortunately, and I found the kind of site I wanted to build was beyond my abilities.

You can pay a fancy design service to do it for you. Sure, you'll have a flashy site and look marvelously professional. Unless you're like me and have no money. (Honestly, what brand new or aspiring author has money?)

Or there's a third option: Much like the fledgling e-publishers, who saw what was being done and knew they could strike out on their own as well, there are quite a number of new free lance web designers out there, just getting their start. For not a lot of money, they can design and maintain a serviceable website for you, hassle free.

I'm lucky. One of those people is a very good friend of mine, and she offered to do my website. She's done a hell of a great job. Not only does she keep it up to date whenever I send her new information, but she's full of great design ideas and usually all I have to do is give her an idea of what I want and she runs with it, making it better than I had imagined. And if I don't like something she's done? She's more than happy to change it.

I happen to know she's eager for more clients, and since a I know a number similarly strapped authors read my blog, I thought it would be a great idea to promote her here. Below is all her information, and samples of her work - if you're at all interested, please drop her a line, she's a dream to work with.

DawnChaser Web Designs

Keeping it simple and straight forward, Laurie offers easy access to anyone who wants a fresh look for a reasonable price. Most webpages are just $50.00 and include Laurie's design services, domain registration and prompt updates as you need them. (More labor intensive and extensive web pages and designs will be slightly higher in price, based on requirements.) Laurie designs for individual, business/professional and for the fandom world and strives to make sure you are happy with your webpage.

Examples of some of her work can be seen at:



Fandom (under the business name of MaD Web designs- Designs by Mel and DC)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Romance Junkies Chat

Quick post!

If you were at the Romance Junkies Chat tonight, and you missed how to get your free cookbook, just send me an email and I'll get you a copy!


Thanks to all who were there, I had so much fun!


More Fun Events!

It's been a busy month for me, and I have more fun events to share!

Tonight I'll be joining Lyrical Press authors, Piper Denna and Savannah Chase for a live chat at Romance Junkies. There will be contests and giveaways.

The chat runs from 8:00-9:00PM U.S Central time.

Romance Junkies Live Chat

Next Week, I'll be Author of Week at Reviews by Jessewave, and she'll be putting up a fun interview.

Also, I have two new reviews to share!

Lydia has given Like Coffee and Doughnuts five stars at Rainbow Reviews

And Mystical Nymph gave a excellent review at Literary Nymphs

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Coffee Time Romance Chat Today!

COME JOIN THE GLBT EXTRAVAGANZA! Come and chat with Stormy Glenn, Alex Draven, Jaime Samms, Elle Parker, Amber Kell, and other GLBT authors all day in the Latte Lounge at http://www.coffeetimeromance.com/board/index.php

Today, ALL DAY!

Come read excerpts and blurbs, see covers, talk to your favorite GLBT authors. Please be sure to register for the forum asap! I'll be there, sharing excerpts from my new M/M novel, Like Coffee and Doughnuts. I also have a fun freebie to give away!

Any questions please feel free to email Stormy @ stormyglenn@hotmail.com

Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Finds!

Friday Finds

I have a slew of these kinds of sites, but I'm always on the lookout for more, because sometimes you just need a little help coming up with just the right word

Mondoerotica Sex & Porn Thesaurus

and from Bren MacCarty - an online dictionary that doesn't censor "dirty" words


Sensual Treats - a free magazine devoted to all things romantic

Lee Benoit pointed me in the direction of this new and ambitious effort - GLBT Bookshelf. I'm in the process of setting up my own page here as soon as I figure out how it all works

GLBT Bookshelf

From Elizabeth Craig via Twitter - A list of creative blogs too good not to pass along. It's arranged by category and there's something for everyone. This is a must see.

100 Creative Blogs

I'm especially thrilled with this batch, it's been a good week for link hunting! Plus I have a few gadgets I'm test driving, and if they're good, I'll be sharing them next week.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Spelling cutie

My husband has charmed me in many ways over the years, and all of them are quite wonderful. One, however, is also amusing...

His poor spelling.

He never did learn to spell properly, even though he's a smart guy. He's not really a words person anyway, he's more numbers and practical smarts.

Here are some of my very favorites:



And most recent one, which inspired this post...


I love him so much. *g*

Monday, June 1, 2009

Reviews for Like Coffee and Doughnuts

I have reviews!

There are two reviews out for Like Coffee and Doughnuts, and both of them are very good.

The first is from Hayley of Fallen Angel Reviews, in her blog Admitting is the First Step:

Review of Like Coffee and Doughnuts

The combination of old fashioned Dino and happy go lucky Seth worked for me. The two were opposites but complimented each other to a tee.

The second is from Elisa Rolle, a highly respected reviewer in the M/M genre, and I'm just thrilled that she reviewed my work:

Elisa's Review of Like Coffee and Doughnuts

Coffee / Dino is old fashioned like the real Italian coffee (sorry, American coffee is not the same...), and like the coffee, you have to stop and savor it, you can't drink it while hurrying somewhere else; Doughnut / Seth is a burst of energy, hyper-calories that you have to run a marathon to digest. Can two men as different match and love? yes, as well and good as coffee and doughnut go together.

Thanks to both of you for such kind words, and I hope you know how very much the authors appreciate what you do.